Canine > EXL LIPEX.FA369 for Canine
Price: $62.00 Net Weight: 20 Lbs.
- A blend of whole flax & canola seeds processed so as to protect and preserve the delicate and valuable essential fatty acids contained within their oils.
- Rich in both Omega-3 & Omega-6 essential fatty acids.
- Promotes healthy and shiny hair coats.
- Supports a robust immune system.
- Minimizes the effects of stress by suppressing cortisol production.
- Optimizes reproductive performance.
- Rich in natural Vitamin E.
- All natural and antibiotic free.
- No artificial preservatives.
- Extremely palatable.
- Daily feeding rate: 1to 4 oz per dog (see Technical Product Information).
- Available in 20 lb pail.
- IN STOCK...Expect delivery in 5 to 7 business days.
- Free Shipping with $200 or more order.
- Flat Rate Shipping with orders less than $200...$10 per pail.